Do Right

fence and meadow

But those who do right will continue to do right, and those whose hands are not dirty with sin will grow stronger.

Job 17:9 NCV



My God, I want to do what you want. Your teachings are in my heart.

Psalms 40:8 NCV

Clean Heart

snow trees

Create in me a pure heart, God, and make my spirit right again.

Psalms 51:10 NCV

Daily Prayer

Drake Park

Heavenly Father, I love you today. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for His life, death, and resurrection that I can know you and follow you and serve you. Help me to do that well today, and tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. Amen

Trust the Lord

house and snow branch

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend solely on your own understanding. 

Proverbs 3:5 NCV

God’s Voice

Deschutes River

God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power. He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down.

Job 37:5 NLT